{% macro master_input(set_master_pwd=False) -%} {% set input_class = "form-control" %} {% if insecure %} {% if set_master_pwd %} {% else %}

Warning, your Flectra database manager is not protected. To secure it, we have generated the following master password for it:

You can change it below but be sure to remember it, it will be asked for future operations on databases.

{% set input_class = "form-control generated_master_pwd_input" %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if not insecure or not set_master_pwd %}
{% endif %} {%- endmacro %} {% macro create_form() -%} {{ master_input() }}
{%- endmacro %}
{% if not list_db %}
The database manager has been disabled by the administrator
{% elif insecure and databases %}
Warning, your Flectra database manager is not protected.
Please set a master password to secure it.
{% endif %} {% if error %}
{{ error }}
{% endif %} {% if list_db and databases %}
{% for db in databases %}
{% if db in incompatible_databases %} {% endif %} {{ db }} {% if manage %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if manage %}
{% else %} {% endif %} {% elif list_db %}
{{ create_form() }}
or restore a database {% endif %}