REST API/OpenAPI/Swagger

Secure tool for convenient integrations

Key features:
  • Full control over granted access via API
  • Requests/Responses made over API are logged with required level of details: full/short/disabled
  • API specification which is supported by dozens tools, platforms and services

Easy to use in any programming languages

from bravado.requests_client import RequestsClient
from bravado.client import SwaggerClient

http_client = RequestsClient()
http_client.set_basic_auth('', 'DATABASE-NAME', 'USER-TOKEN')
flectra = SwaggerClient.from_url(

result = flectra.res_partner.callMethodForResPartnerModel(
        'args': [[('email', '=', '')]]

partner_id = result and result[0]

if not partner_id:
    result = flectra.res_partner.addResPartner(body={
        "name": "OpenAPI Support",
        "email": ""
    partner_id =

    "kwargs": {
      "body": "The Openapi module works in Python! Thank you!",
      "partner_ids": [partner_id]
Comming soon...
Comming soon...
Comming soon...
Comming soon...
Comming soon...

Choose a platform that fit your needs

AWS Lambda is a serverless autoscalable platform to execute your code. For a simple integration as well as cases when you want to use any of AWS Services it's the best option. No extra module is needed! Check out detailed instruction:

Syndesis is an integration platform. Syndesis allows to make data mapping from/to Flectra without any programming. No extra module is needed! Check out detailed intruction:

Dataiku is platform to analyze data. No extra module is needed! Check out detailed instruction:

Power BI is a service to visualize and analyzing data. No extra module is needed! Check out detailed intruction:

    Our implementation of RESTAPI/OpenAPI has the following advantages over the built-in RPC functionality::
  • A lot of utilities supports OpenAPI
  • You can restrict access to the specific models and its methods
  • You can make authorization through tokens (without passwords)
  • You can make requests with the one request

    (for example, in RPC you need to be authorized first, then get uid...)

Need more? Anything with REST API support can be connected to Flectra just with this module!

As a buyer, you are granted to use the module in as many Flectra instances as you need!
Are you not very much aware of API stuff?
You may send this page to your IT guys to evaluate the possibilities or tell us your concerns
Tested on Flectra
Tested on Flectra