Document Management System

DMS is a module for creating, managing and viewing document files directly within Flectra. This module is only the basis for an entire ecosystem of apps that extend and seamlessly integrate with the document management system.

This module adds portal functionality for directories and files for allowed users, both portal or internal users. You can get as well a tokenized link from a directory or a file for sharing it with any anonymous user.

Table of contents


To configure this module, you need to:

  1. Go to Documents -> Configuration -> Storages.
  2. Create a new document storage. You can choose between two options on Save Type:
    • Database: Store the files on the database as a field
    • Attachment: Store the files as attachments
  3. Afterwards go to Documents -> Directories.
  4. Create a new directory, mark it as root and select the previously created setting.
  5. On the Directory you can also define the access groups that will be able to:
    • read
    • create
    • write
    • delete


If you need to modify the storage Save Type you might want to migrate the file data. In order to achieve it you need to:

  1. Go to Documents -> Configuration -> Storage and select the storage you want to modify
  2. Modify the save type
  3. Press the button Migrate files if you want to migrate all the files at once
  4. Press the button Manual File Migration in order to specify files one by one

You can check all the files that still needs to be migrated from all storages and migrate them manually on Documents -> Configuration -> Migration


The best way to manage the documents is to switch to the Documents view. Existing documents can be managed there and new documents can be created.

Portal functionality

You can add any portal user to DMS access groups, and then allow that group in directories, so they will see in the portal such directories and their files. Another possibility is to click on “Share” button inside a directory or a file for obtaining a tokenized link for single access to that resource, no matter if logged or not.